This page contains links and video presentations related to Ethereum Classic Summit.
To date, Ethereum Classic Summit has been held in 3 locations:
Promotional video from IOHK for ETC Summit 2017.
Charles Hoskinson @IOHK_Charles, Co-Founder/CEO of IOHK and Co-Founder of the Ethereum Project.
Alan Verbner @alanverbner, Ethereum Classic Developer, Team Grothendieck, IOHK. SLIDES
Alan McSherry, Ethereum Classic Developer | Team Grothendieck Manager, IOHK.
Terry Culver @realetclassic, CEO of Ethereum Classic Labs.
Bob Summerwill @BobSummerwill, Varro Technologies.
Cody Burns @dontpanicburns, Blockchain Architect for Accenture.
Rob Viglione @robviglione, CEO Horizen Labs.
Shane Jonas @shanejonas and Zachary Belford @belfordz, ETCDEV.
Wassim Alsindi @WassimAlsindi
Igor Barinov @barinov, CEO,
Matt Beck, Tom Lee, Mike Moro, and Jack Liu
James Wo @realjameswo, Founder of Ethereum Classic Labs
Anthony Lusardi, Alison Alexis, Wassim Alsindi, Kong Gao, and Virgil Griffith
Kevin Lord @IOHK_Kevin, IOHK
Virgil Griffith @virgilgr, Special Projects at the Ethereum Foundation.
Charles Hoskinson @IOHK_Charles, Co-Founder/CEO of IOHK
Bob Summerwill @BobSummerwill, Executive Director of ETC Cooperative.
Anthony Lusardi @pyskell, Former Director, USA of ETC Cooperative.
Donald McIntyre @MyEtherPlan, Researcher, Writer, and Podcaster Etherplan.
Afri Schoeden @a4fri, Ethereum Classic Core Developer.
Shane Jonas @shanejonas, Co-Lead Tooling Developer at ETC Core.
Zane Starr @zanecstarr, Tooling Developer at ETC Core.
Zac Mitton @VoltzRoad, Open Source Software Engineer at Voltz Road.
Terry Culver @realetclassic, CEO of Ethereum Classic Labs and ETC Core.
Aaron Lowry @Aaron_Lowry, Co-Founder/CEO of Ethernode.
Scott Moore @notscottmoore, Developer Relations Lead at Gitcoin.
Andrew Gross @poanetwork, Technical Writer for POA Network.
Cody Burns @dontpanicburns, Blockchain Architect for Accenture.
Afri Schoeden @a4fri, Ethereum Classic Core Developer.
Manoj Patidar @manojpatidarr, Principal Engineer at Bloq.
Michael Sonnenshein @Sonnenshein, Managing Director of Grayscale.
Yaz Khoury @Yazanator, Director of Developer Relations at ETC Cooperative.
Bob Summerwill @BobSummerwill, Executive Director of ETC Cooperative.
Bob Summerwill @BobSummerwill, Executive Director of ETC Cooperative.
Virgil Griffith @virgilgr, Special Projects at the Ethereum Foundation.
Sunny Aggarwal @sunnya97, Researcher and Core Dev at Tendermint and Cosmos.
Alex Tsankov @antsankov, Open Source Developer at Block Reaction.
Nishant Sharma @nishantsharma87, PR and Community Relations at Bitmain.
Werner Almesberger @LinzhiCorp, System Architect at Linzhi.
Bob Summerwill @BobSummerwill, Executive Director of ETC Cooperative.
Yaz Khoury @Yazanator, Director of Developer Relations at ETC Cooperative.
Bob Summerwill @BobSummerwill, Executive Director of ETC Cooperative.
Chelsea Palmer @chiselinc, Organizer of DogeCon.
Edilson Osorio Junior - @eddieoz, Founder of OriginalMy.
Charles Hoskinson @IOHK_Charles, Co-Founder/CEO of IOHK and Co-Founder of the Ethereum Project.
Bob Summerwill @BobSummerwill, Executive Director of ETC Cooperative.