
This page outlines the history of Ethereum Classic and it's future development goals.

ETC Timeline

A historical account of the formative events that created and defined Ethereum Classic.

Jul 30 2015

Ethereum Launches

Vitalik Buterin and The Ethereum Foundation create the first blockchain-based turing-complete smart contract platform with the Frontier release
Block 200,000

Frontier Thawing Upgrade

September 08 2015, the network implements an ‘Ice Age’ at block 200,000 introducing the Difficulty Bomb, a mechanism designed to move the network's consensus mechanism away from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake
Block 1,150,000

Homestead Upgrade

March 15 2016, Homestead is the second major version release of the Ethereum platform
Apr 05 2016 Creates TheDAO construct TheDAO Ethereum Contract; a security audit is completed by Dejavu
Apr 30 2016

TheDAO Crowdsale Begins

TheDAO smart contract is deployed; members of the public send it value in return for DAO tokens
May 26 2016

Security Proposal announce a $1.5 Million USD proposal, paid in Ether by the crowdfund, 'to guarantee the integrity of The DAO'
May 27 2016

Moratorium Called

On the last day of the crowdsale, DAO curator Vlad Zamfir calls for a moratorium on TheDAO, citing many game-theoretical security issues
May 27 2016

TheDAO Crowdsale Ends

The crowdsale completes to become the world's largest and raising an incredible $150 Million USD
Jun 09 2016

Recursive Call Bug Discovered

Peter Vessenes publicly discloses the existence of a critical security vulnerability overlooked in many Solidiy contracts
Jun 12 2016

No Funds at Risk

Stephan Tual publicly claims that TheDAO funds are safe despite the newly-discovered critical security flaw
Jun 17 2016

TheDAO is Hacked

Ether is slowly and silently drained from TheDAO as the re-entry bug is applied
Jun 17 2016

Panic Hits the Markets

The price of Ether is slashed in half as Griff Green announces that TheDAO has been hacked
Jun 17 2016

The Countdown Begins

TheDAO's splitting mechanism gives around a month for a solution to be found that recovers the funds; Foundation and community developers race to implement a soft fork
Jun 21 2016

Robin Hood Group Announced

A group of 'white-hat' hackers secure 70% of TheDAO funds but protocol-level action is required to save the remaining 30% split by the hacker
Jun 24 2016

DAO Wars: Soft Fork Vote

The Ethereum Foundation releases a 'Soft Fork' client to censor transactions coming from the hacker; mining pools vote to enable it by lowering gas limit
Jun 28 2016

Soft Fork Vulnerability

Critical Denial of Service flaws are found in the Soft Fork implementation, miners quickly decide NOT to use it
Jun 28 2016

Hard Fork Debate

Many days of intense arguing goes on in the Ethereum community about the pros and cons of implementing a Hard Fork
Jul 15 2016

Hard Fork Spec Announced

The only remaining option is a controversial Hard Fork. A Specification is determined and announced by and Ethereum Foundation members
Jul 15 2016

Last Minute Carbonvote

With 12 hours notice, The Ethereum Foundation use a controversial third party 'coin vote' to determine that the Hard Fork should be turned on by default; consensus is declared and an updated client is released
Block 1,920,000

DAO Bailout Hard Fork

July 20 2016, with around 80% of nodes updating to the new client, the community nervously await the arrival of the DAO Bailout fork activation block 1,920,000
Block 1,920,001

New Fork Chain

A forked-chain is born! The Ethereum Foundation creates an altered version of Ethereum on July 20 2016 to reverse the DAO theft. As trademark rights holders, the Ethereum Foundation applies the Ethereum (ETH) brand to the new forked chain
Block 1,920,001

Original Non-Fork Chain

With predictions of the original non-forked chain to disappear within hours, many are surprised to find that miners continue to support the original chain. Bisq and OTC desks give these tokens a price discovery orderbook. The markets participants rebrand this non-forked chain Ethereum Classic (ETC)
Jul 20 2016

Mission Accomplished!

The ETH community lets out a sigh of relief as the DAO fork code is succesfully implemented with no obvious flaws; champagne corks are popped all over the globe. The birth of a new chain is a success!
Jul 23 2016

Poloniex Lists ETC

The largest Ethereum exchange signals long-term support for the original chain, Poloniex lists ETC. Many exchanges quickly follow suit.
Jul 23 2016

Ethereans Fracture

The Flame Wars begin in subreddits. As economically-charged vitriolic spats begin to take hold of the participants as it comes to terms with the reality of the split
Jul 24 2016

Ethereum Classic Supporters

The Ethereum Classic supporters branch off from Ethereum subreddits and form their own social channels
Jul 27 2016

Geth Supports Ethereum Classic

Geth releases support for Ethereum Classic network. This node has all the DAO code removed from the client and requires no additional flags to use the Ethereum classic network
Jul 31 2016

Parity Supports Ethereum Classic

Parity signals long term support for Etheruem Classic with 1.2.3 release that addresses network stability issues for both Ethereum HF and Ethereum classic chains and brings a few changes to the transaction tracing API
Jul 31 2016

51% Attack Threat

ETH supporters form a mining pool called with plans to destroy the ETC network by orchestrating a 51% attack
Aug 01 2016

Miners Support ETC

After the ETC network grew to a point where they could no longer attack it, ETH miners publicly declare not to attack ETC. To prevent hurting innocent Ethereum Classic holders, ETH miners commit resources to mining ETC.
Aug 10 2016

RHG Attacks ETC

The Robin Hood Group attempts to market dump a large quantity of stolen ETC from the DAO fork. Poloniex freezes their funds
Block 2,050,000

Classic Declares Independence

After relentless attacks from the ETH side of the chain split, Ethereum Classic supporters stand firm and declare their independence from the new ETH chain
Aug 18 2016

Battle Tested and Resilient

Ethereum Classic proves its resilience to the markets as ETC emerges from the ETH attacks with a stabalizing price. The networks core principles are galvanized during the DAO Bailout. Supporters begin rebuilding from the ashes
Aug 31 2016

DAO Funds Unlock on ETC

Millions of previously locked or frozen ETC become available to DAO token holders and the DAO hacker. ETC's price holds remarkably well in face of huge market dumps
Sep 09 2016

Code is Law

During the ETH attacks, many battle cries come out of Ethereum Classic supporters. They begin to clarify their core principles and validate the ETC network existance to the general public
Block 2,500,000

Gas Reprice Upgrade

October 24 2016, both Ethereum networks are attacked due to vulnerabilities in the tech stack. ETC devs quickly ensure a smooth and uncontentious network upgrade to patch exploited vulnerabilities
Nov 01 2016

ETC Monetary Policy

Ethereum Classic supporters debate ETC's emission schedule and monetary policy
Dec 11 2016

Grothendieck Team

IOHK commits a team of 7 full-time developers to Ethereum Classic
Block 3,000,000

Die Hard Upgrade

January 13 2017, ETC addresses replay attacks and delays the difficulty bomb in a network upgrade
Feb 20 2017


A team of long-term ETC contributors and volunteers rebrands as a ETCDEV team
Mar 01 2017

Monetary Policy Consensus

Ethereum Classic forms consensus around a 210.7M ETC fixed-cap monetary policy with a Bitcoin-inspired limited emission schedule called 5M20; 20% block reward reduction every 5M blocks.
Mar 01 2017

ETCG Investment Fund

Grayscale launches the first non-bitcoin crypto fund enabling traditional investors to add ETC to their portfolio with the all the tax benefits of a traditional investment asset
Jul 22 2017

Commonwealth Team

A development team forms under the Ethereum Commonwealth name
Aug 08 2017

Mantis Launch

The release of this beta client, Mantis, will take place today and is the culmination of seven months of work by the Grothendieck Team, the IOHK developers dedicated to Ethereum Classic
Sep 2017

ETC Cooperative Team

Grayscale signals long-term support for Ethereum Classic protocol development by sponsoring the ETC Cooperative team with a portion of their ETCG management fees. Donations to the non-profit are tax-deductable
Nov 12 2017

ETC Summit 2017

The first annual Ethereum Classic conference is held in Hong Kong
Block 5,000,000

Gotham Upgrade

December 11 2017, the Gotham upgrade established a predictable monetary policy and emission schedule inspired by Bitcoin. 5M20, the block reward will reduce by 20% every 5M blocks
Block 5,000,001

5M20 Era 2

December 11 2017, Ethereum Classic's 5M20 emission schedule enters Era 2. Block rewards are reduced by 20% to 4 ETC per block
Apr 08 2018

Multi-Geth Launch

The Multi-Geth client project launches. This is a go-ethereum client forked from Ethereum Foundation's version, aimed to follow closely for upstream changes, and support multiple Ethereum networks. We have just added alpha support for Ethereum Classic network. And we're grateful if the Ethereum Classic community is interested in testing it out
Block 5,900,000

Defuse Difficulty Bomb

May 29 2018, ETC safely disables the difficulty bomb to switch the original Ethereum project to PoS. Ethereum Classic signals long-term commitment to PoW as a network consensus mechanism
Jun 2018

ETC Labs Team

Ethereum Classic Labs provides funding, industry connections, and office space to burgeoning ETC projects; with office space in San Francisco and Singapore
Sep 08 2018

Kotti Launches

ETC Cooperative funds the development of the Kotti testnet, a Proof-of-Authority testnet constructed to provide interoperability testing with sister-chain ETH's Görli Testnet. PoA becomes the preferred testnet environment for dapp development testing
Sep 12 2018

ETC Summit 2018

The second annual Ethereum Classic conference is held in Seoul, South Korea
Oct 01 2018

Coinbase Lists ETC

The largest cryptocurrency exchange in the USA signals long-term support for the original Ethereum chain; Ethereum Classic
Oct 25 2018

Incubator Program Launch

Ethereum Classic Labs launches an incubator program. ETC Labs commits to work with as many as 24 Ethereum Classic based startups each year
Jan 08 2019

51% Attack

Ethereum Classic experiences the first successful chain reorganization attack on its network. The resilient ETC rises from the ashes.
Jan 13 2019

Whitehat Attacker

The 51% attacker appears to be a whitehat hacker and returns stolen funds to a compromised exchange. Exchanges tighten 51% attack monitoring on PoW coins
Jun 20 2019

Atlantis Rough Consensus

Ethereum Classic core developers reach rough consensus on ECIP-1054 in an effort to implement ETH's Spurious Dragon and Byzantium network protocol upgrades
Block 8,772,000

Atlantis Upgrade

September 12 2019, Ethereum Classic core developers implement ETH's Spurious Dragon and Byzantium network protocol upgrades to maintain operational parity with its sister chain
Oct 03 2019

ETC Summit 2019

The third annual Ethereum Classic conference is held in Vancouver, Canada
Oct 04 2019

Mordor Launches

Core developers removed testnet redundancy by replacing Kensington, Morden, and Nazgul test networks with Mordor, an Ethash PoW testnet for protocol level testing
Nov 12 2019

Besu Supports Ethereum Classic

Hyperledger Besu adds Ethereum Classic support to their Ethereum client designed to be enterprise-friendly for both public and private permissioned network use cases
Dec 05 2019

Aztlán Rough Consensus

Ethereum Classic core developers reach rough consensus on ECIP-1061 in an effort to implement ETH's Istanbul network protocol upgrade
Dec 12 2019

Agharta Rough Consensus

Ethereum Classic core developers reach rough consensus on ECIP-1056 in an effort to implement ETH's Constaninople and Petersburg network protocol upgrades
Block 9,573,000

Agharta Upgrade

January 11 2020, Ethereum Classic core developers implement ETH's Constaninople and Petersburg network protocol upgrades to maintain operational parity with its sister chain
Feb 03 2020

Core-Geth Launch

The ETC Core team forks away from the Multi-Geth client project. The project is named Core-Geth, an ethereum/go-ethereum downstream effort to make the Ethereum Protocol accessible and extensible for a diverse ecosystem
Feb 05 2020

Phoenix Fix Rough Consensus

During Aztlán testnet implementations, Ethereum Classic core developers discover complications with ECIP 1061 specs to add ETH's Istanbul network protocol upgrade. As intended, the ETC testnets catch the issues and core developers spec a patch for the issues
Feb 12 2020

ECIP 1050 Status Codes

ECIP 1050 Status Codes moves to Final status. This standard outlines a common set of Status Codes in the same vein as HTTP statuses. This provides a shared set of signals to allow smart contracts to react to situations autonomously, expose localized error messages to users, and so on
Feb 20 2020

Testnets Catch Bugs

During Aztlán testnet implementations, Ethereum Classic core developers discover complications with ECIP 1061 and 1078 specs to add ETH's Istanbul network protocol upgrade. Meowbits of ETC Core documents the findings. As intended, the ETC testnets catch the issues and core developers go back to the drawing board
Feb 26 2020

Aztlán Rejected

Based on the issues discovered during Aztlán testnet implementation, Phoenix Fix being found to not be a sufficient fix and both testnets breaking; the Core developers proposes to reject ecips-1061, 1078, 1086 due to security and stability concerns and to move on with writing a new proposal from scratch
Feb 26 2020

Phoenix Rough Consensus

Ethereum Classic core developers reach rough consensus on ECIP-1088 in an effort to implement ETH's Istanbul network protocol upgrade. Testnet implementations revealed issues with prior attempts in specs ECIP-1061 and ECIP-1078
Mar 09 2020

Phoenix Mordor Testing

Phoenix testing begins on the Mordor PoW testnet on block 999,983. Core development teams have signaled that this is a complex implementation. Testing may uncover issues that delay this network upgrade, but Ethereum Classic will never rush to upgrade the mainnet. Network security is priority over development speed and arbitary timelines
Block 10,000,001

5M20 Era 3

March 17 2020, Ethereum Classic's block rewards are reduced by 20% to 3.2 ETC per block per the bitcoin-inspired 5M20 emission schedule
Apr 15 2020

Phoenix Kotti Testing

Phoenix testing begins on the Kotti PoA testnet on block 2,200,013. Core development teams have signaled that this is a complex implementation. Testing may uncover issues that delay this network upgrade, but Ethereum Classic will never rush to upgrade the mainnet. Network security is priority over development speed and arbitary timelines
Block 10,500,839

Phoenix Upgrade

June 01 2020, Ethereum Classic core developers implement ETH's Istanbul network protocol upgrades to maintain operational parity with its sister chain

A Bright Future

As the ecosystem continues to organically grow, the independent development teams are guided by principles that make Ethereum Classic such a unique network. The network is truly decentralized, immutable, and unstoppable. Review the roadmap to learn about the promising future of Ethereum Classic, the original Ethereum chain...
Drag to progress (or hold shift and wheel)!

Final ECIPs

These ECIPs (Ethereum Classic Improvement Proposals) have been accepted and have or will be implemented soon.

1010Delay Difficulty Bomb ExplosionIgor Artamonov
1015Long-term gas cost changes for IO-heavy operations to mitigate transaction spam attacksCody W Burns
1017Monetary Policy and Final Modification to the Ethereum Classic Emission ScheduleMatthew Mazur
1039Monetary policy rounding specificationIsaac Ardis
1041Remove Difficulty BombIgor Artamonov
1048Clique proof-of-authority consensus protocolPéter Szilágyi
1050Status CodesBrooklyn Zelenka, Boris Mann
1054Atlantis EVM and Protocol UpgradesIsaac Ardis
1056Agharta EVM and Protocol UpgradesIsaac Ardis, Wei Tang
1088Phoenix EVM and Protocol UpgradesRaw Pong Ghmoa

Development Roadmap 2020

An outline of important protocol development milestones for the year of 2020, including highlights from the ETC Core 2020 Roadmap.

Ethereum Classic core developers maintain rough consensus for the collaborative effort of achieving operational parity with sister chain Ethereum (ETH).

The ETC Cooperative to help contribute to the codebase of Vyper in collaboration with Ben Hauser who implemented the changes necessary into Vyper in order to allow us to target multiple versions of the EVM in order to have it working with ETC.

Ethereum Classic core developers implement ETH's Constaninople and Petersburg network protocol upgrades to maintain operational parity with its sister chain.

Second State, Vyperlang, and other teams are implementing or experimenting in bringing LLVM infrastructure to the EthereumStack. This is an alpha version of the EVM LLVM. It includes the complete, working LLVM backend pipeline for generating EVM binaries. Optimizations are limited.

CoreGeth: An Ethereum Protocol Provider. Priority is given to reducing opinions around chain configuration, IP-based feature implementations, and API predictability. Upstream development from ethereum/go-ethereum is merged to this repository regularly, usually at every upstream tagged release. Every effort is made to maintain seamless compatibility with upstream source, including compatible RPC, JS, and CLI APIs, data storage locations and schemas, and, of course, interoperable node protocols. Applicable bug reports, bug fixes, features, and proposals should be made upstream whenever possible.

ECIP 1050: Status Codes moves to Final status. This standard outlines a common set of Status Codes in the same vein as HTTP statuses. This provides a shared set of signals to allow smart contracts to react to situations autonomously, expose localized error messages to users, and so on.

During Aztlán testnet implementations, Ethereum Classic core developers discover complications with ECIP 1061 and 1078 specs to add ETH's Istanbul network protocol upgrade. Meowbits of ETC Core documents the findings. As intended, the ETC testnets catch the issues and core developers go back to the drawing board.

Ethereum Classic core developers reach rough consensus on ECIP-1088 in an effort to implement ETH's Istanbul network protocol upgrade. Testnet implementations revealed issues with prior attempts in specs ECIP-1061 and ECIP-1078.

Core-Geth implements block activation values for ECIP1088, Ethereum Classic's planned Phoenix hard fork upgrade. Please upgrade to version v1.11.0 or later for Phoenix support for ETC.

Phoenix testing begins on the Mordor PoW testnet on block 999,983. Core development teams have signaled that this is a complex implementation. Testing may uncover issues that delay this network upgrade, but Ethereum Classic will never rush to upgrade the mainnet. Network security is priority over development speed and arbitary timelines.

Hyperledger Besu implemented ECIP-1088: Phoenix EVM and Protocol upgrades. Please upgrade to version v1.4.1 or later for Phoenix support for ETC.

Developer bounty platform Gitcoin has partnered with Ethereum Classic Labs to offer bounties in ETC.

March 17 2020, Ethereum Classic's block rewards are reduced by 20% to 3.2 ETC per block per the bitcoin-inspired 5M20 emission schedule.

The Kotti PoA testnet is successfully recovered after Aztlán implementations. The signers coordinate and regain consensus in anticipation for a successful Phoenix implementation. website modernization project goes live with updated 2020 content. website modernization project goes live with a goal of providing accurate ETC content and automated information dissemination lines to the greater cryptocurrency ecosystem. website modernization project goes live with the Phoenix theme.

Multi-Geth implements support for the Phoenix hard fork on Ethereum Classic mainnet, at block 10,500,839, scheduled around the beginning of June, 2020. Please upgrade to version v1.9.14 or later for Phoenix support for ETC.

Phoenix testing begins on the Kotti PoA testnet on block 2,200,013. Core development teams have signaled that this is a complex implementation. Testing may uncover issues that delay this network upgrade, but Ethereum Classic will never rush to upgrade the mainnet. Network security is priority over development speed and arbitary timelines.

Improve ETC specific documentation and add to the website for end user consumption.

Core development teams have signaled that this upgrade has successfully passed testing analysis on the Mordor and Kotti testnets. Ethereum Classic will never rush to upgrade the mainnet. Network security is priority over development speed and arbitary timelines. The ETC miners, wallets, exchanges, payment processors begin updated their clients for the Phoenix Upgrade.

Phoenix activates on Ethereum Classic mainnet on block 10,500,839. Core development teams have signaled that this upgrade has successfully passed testing analysis on the Mordor and Kotti testnets.

Reach out to the non-english ETC social channels to translate the English version of

LLVM Instruction scheduler and performance optimizations

Add Connext state channels support. The goal is to have Connext ETC channels live in 2020.

JSON-RPC devp2p Wire protocol specification and reference implementation research and possible design

Add fork monitor and ethstats dashboards to

Long-term Development Resources Discussion: Public Good Network Protocols, Fund Disbursement Methods, DAO fund allocation.

Updates to ECIP process via ECIP-1000 discussion

Work on 1-2 major technical projects that use ETC as a part of developer marketing

Review Ethereum Berlin for operational parity with Ethereum Classic.

Gas Range Discussion: Upper and Lower Bounds

Astor experimental testnet SHA3 consensus algo research review

EVM-LLVM Official beta release

EVM-LLVM Implementation: Embedded assembly and exception handling

Successful upgrade of the ETC network to a further hardfork in Q4 2020 (unless delayed) which will address the remaining blockers to ETC being considered feature complete

ETL Tooling patterns and research into providing support for cross-chain transaction transforms

Attract 5 prestige anchor tenant projects from the Ethereum ecosystem. Note that attendence at conferences will level off after Q1 due to Coronavirus

Mining Algorithm Discussion: Astor SHA3 Change, DAG reduction, No Change

Interoperability Projects: Port over ETH network protocols. Build ETH<>ETC bridges

FlyClients Discussion

Interoperability Market Capture. ETC added to more products increase access/utility for ETC. Onboard stabelcoins and dapps. Build the foundation for DeFi on hard-money ETC

Establish a Specifications Ring within Ethereum Magicians and to gather stakeholders from ETH, ETC and EEA there

Deliver a modular specification for Ethereum by the end of 2020 (probably via the EEA with input from Ethereum Magicians group) which spans ETH, ETC and EEA requirements

Implement a grant program with documentation, standards, and reporting requirements