Read this article on Medium (looks nicer)
[via Reddit]( news is very new, so we’re waiting for more information but the reality for satellite data right now is that it’s very segmented, each station has its own data and they don’t really talk to each other. SAT-1 aims to use SputnikVM to solve that. They have a lot planned so check out their roadmap.
ETCDEV’s goal of bringing IoT to the ETC blockchain is quickly becoming a reality and they all deserve our thanks. So go ahead and [tweet them something nice]( for all your hard work on SputnikVM @etcdev).
Myself and Christian Xu are joining the ETC Cooperative. We’re going to be working to gain ETC the larger exposure and recognition that it deserves. We’ll be improving our resources, messaging, and international community support.
ETC’s Resources: such as the website, documentation, and all the odds-and-ends that have gone a bit neglected.
ETC’s Message: Like everyone else we’re tired of hearing “ETC is just about The DAO”, “ETC is just about immutability”. We want everyone to see how great it is to use, and the potential we have for IoT.
Our Asian Communities: Christian will be focusing on China, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. He’ll be running meetups and starting some more chat channels (WeChat, Telegram, etc.).
Oh, and we’ll also be hosting ETC’s 2018 Summit! More information to come on this one.
In just 3 short months since launch we’ve now reached 1,000 users on the ETC forums and we’re growing every day. Congratulations Yaz Khoury, and excellent work running the forums!
If you haven’t joined yet you’ll be able to find guides on common ETC uses, ecosystem improvement proposals, and ask a question in the help me section. Plus all the usual suspects of news, introductions, mining, and tech talk. So come join the party!
Later this year the Ethereum Classic Investment Trust will be publicly tradeable on OTCQX market. This means that soon you will be able to invest in ETC through your 401k, IRA, and regular brokerage accounts. Michael Sonnenshein spilled the news on CNBC’s Fast Money (skip to 2:20).
Both Abra and BitIt have added the ability to purchase ETC using USD, EUR, KRW, CNY, JPY, and many others.